การเปรียบเทียบการผ่าตัดสร้างเอ็นไขว้หน้าใหม่ในข้อเข่า ระหว่างวิธีใช้กล้องและผ่าเปิดข้อเข่า


  • Ranawut Klumsombut, M.D. กลุ่มงานออร์โธปิดิกส์ โรงพยาบาลราชบุรี


          Objective:  To evaluate the result of anterior cruciate Iigament (ACL) reconstruction between open Technique and arthroscopic technique.

          Materials and Methods:  This study was a retrospective study in the patients who had ACL injury during January 1998 to January 2005. All patients recieved either ACL reconstruction by open technique or arthroscopic technique. The study compared operative time, estimated blood loss, duration of hospitalization, amount of pain medication and knee stability after 6 months of operation.

          Results: The study was involving 42 patients, 21 patients recieved open technique and 21 patients received arthroscopic technique. The operative time of arthroscopic technique was longer than open technique with statistically significant.( P value < 0.001) Other comparisons were not different (p.vaIue > 0.1).

          Conclusion : There was no statistically significant of arthroscopic and open reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament except that the operative time of arthroscopic technique was longer than open technique. (P value < 0.001)

Author Biography

Ranawut Klumsombut, M.D., กลุ่มงานออร์โธปิดิกส์ โรงพยาบาลราชบุรี

ว.ว. ออร์โธปิดิกส์


