การเฝ้าระวังการติดเชื้อวัณโรคในเจ้าหน้าที่โรงพยาบาลด่านช้าง ปี พ.ศ. 2547 - 2548


  • Lek Naprasirt, M.D. โรงพยาบาลด่านช้าง จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี
  • Nanta Sunthornvipat โรงพยาบาลด่านช้าง จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี


          A surveillance prospective study to screen and determine the prevalence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis infection and illness of Danchang Hospital health care workers (HCWs) using data recording sheets and annual physical examination results in conjunction with tuberculin skin tests and repeated test in negative subjects in order to identify new patients in the following year

          In 2004, 151 of HCWs participated in the test. It was found that 37.7% of HCWs had never had tuberculus infection, 49% of HCWs might have previously had infection or had immunity, and 13.3% of HCWs were likely to have infection or tuberculosis (tbc)

          ln 2005, the test was repeated in 49 HCWs that have never had infection and 30 case or 61.22% were found to have been infected. The factor that likely to contributed to infection was closed contact with tuberculosis patients in their line of duty. It was found that this group had more prevalence rate of infection than those who do not working with the patients

          This study showed us prevalence rate of tbc infection among the HCWs and encourage to be more seriously concerned about tbc monitoring. Operation plans are established to ensure constance care of HCWs as well as new HCW’s.


