

  • Samerjai Henprasemhae, M.D. กลุ่มงานกุมารเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลดำเนินสะดวก จังหวัดราชบุรี


          A cross-sectional descriptive study in teenage pregnants and their babies in Dumneonsaduak Hospital. During 1 October 2003 to 30 September 2004, we found 237 teenage mothers and 238 babies. The mean of teenage mothers age was 17.63 years. These patients had many problems such as poor antenatal care, anemia, preterm labour, poor birth control and repeated pregnancy. Problems of the newborns were LBW and perinatal asphyxia. Risk factors of low birth weight were low maternal education, poor antenatal care and body weight under 50 kgs. at first ANC. Risk factors of perinatal asphyxia were preterm labour, cesarean section, forceps extraction and low birth weight. All of the babies recieved neonatal screening in postpartum ward by pediatricians but 70.59% of them came back to re—checkup in Well baby clinic at 1 month. 74.1% of the LBW infants caught up growth in one year. Causes of developmental delay in three infants were Prader-Willi syndrome, cerebral palsy and sequelae of prematurity.

Author Biography

Samerjai Henprasemhae, M.D., กลุ่มงานกุมารเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลดำเนินสะดวก จังหวัดราชบุรี

ว.ว. กุมารเวชศาสตร์


