

  • Annan Wasuwat, M.D. กลุ่มงานอายุรกรรม โรงพยาบาลราชบุรี


          A retrospective study in patients presented with hemoptysis who underwent flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy in Ratchaburi Hospital since 1st  June 2001 to 31st January 2005, total number of patients whounderwent flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy were 338. Number of male patients were 226 (66.86%), femalepatients are 112 (33.14%). The youngest patient was 23 year old, while the oldest was 92 years old (average62.6 years) 37.87% smokers, 24.56% ex-smokers, and 37.57% nonsmokers. 63 patients were classified asnon-massive hemoptysis while 14 patients were classified as massive hemoptysis. The definite diagnosiscould be established in 40 patients, 27 malignancies and 13 tuberculosis, the rest was defined as nonspecific(such as infected bronchial mucosa, fibrosis, normal lung tissue etc). Among those who could not bediagnosed on first exam. Second exam revealed definite diagnosis ultimately in 4 patients, 3 malignanciesand 1 tuberculosis. In sub-study, none of the patients whose normal or non-localizing chest roentgenogramwas diagnosed primarily by either bronchoscopic finding or pathological diagnosis (some trivial bleedingpoints were found on bronchoscopy). The study showed non-specificity by means of clinical findings, chestroentgenograms, bronchoscopic findings and pathological diagnoses. So the bronchoscopy should be per- 1formed almost always in patients with hemoplysis either normal or abnormal chest roenigenogram.


