

  • Charoen Napapongsuriya, M.D. กลุ่มงานกุมารเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลประจวบคีรีขันธ์


neonatal hyperbilirubinemia


          This study was a retrospective and prospective study, The objective was to find out the causes of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in Prachuapkhirikhan hospital and find out the correlation between microbilirubin (MB) level and total bilirubin (TB) level that to use for guideline of treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. This study had 139 examples, 84 boys, 55 girls and ratio of boys : girls ; 1.5 ; 1. They were term, healthy newborns except hyperbilirubinemia. The unknown causes of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia was 71.2%. The causes of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia were ; G-GPD deficiency 19.4%, OA incompatibility 5%, and OB incompatibility 4.4%. The causes were found in 42.86% of ≤ 24 hours-old age groups, 23.53% of 25-48 hours-old age groups, 20.83% of 49-72 hours-old age groups, and 37.21% of > 72 hours-old age groups. 135 cases (97%) were treated by phototherapy and 4 cases (3%) were treated by exchange transfusion. There was good correlation between microbilirubin (MB) level and total bilirubin (TB) level (R = 0.867) and represented by TB = 3.679 + 0.833 MB.


