สถานการณ์คนพิการจังหวัดนครปฐม: ระบบบูรณาการ การฟื้นฟูสมรรถภาพคนพิการ


  • Suthon Aimprasittichai, M.D. กลุ่มงานเวชกรรมฟื้นฟู โรงพยาบาลนครปฐม


          The physical efficiency capability recovery is the one essential needed for handicap people. In the past, the majority of handicaps were ignored by the society. As following by the Act of handicaps year 1991, It is stated that the handicap people have the same right to serve or to gain any benefit as equal as normal people. Although, it is stated obviously accordance with the act, but none any organization able to provide or support the handicap people eventually. That is becoming into case study, so a researcher selected to focus on the handicap peoples status who live in Nakhonpathom, A previons research found that there are only 339 handicap people been registered in the period of 1995-1996. This was very underestimated as base on the estimation of Ministry of Public Health (8.1% of population, 42,000 people in Nakhon Pathom province

          Accordingly, one initially project was launched, the project of handicaps registration movement. The main focusing, surveying, and handicaps registration, in order to able to follow up all handicap’s condition including provide all handicap‘s need as well.

          After the project was launched, there were 3,299 handicaps registered in year 2000. The result of the data were that most of physical handicaps people trend to be more in male, age between 16-30 year. They request to have social insurance in emergency case for their living. Thus, the project of the community based rehabilitation has been hold for supporting the handicaps people accordingly.


