การจัดระบบบริการเพื่อพัฒนาคุณภาพการดูแลผู้ป่วยเบาหวานในศูนย์สาธารณสุขมูลฐานชุมชน โรงพยาบาลอู่ทอง


  • Ratana Nilpetchploy, M.D. โรงพยาบาลอู่ทอง จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี


ผู้ป่วยเบาหวาน, สาธารณสุขชุมชน


To improve the quality of care for diabetic patients by the management of the service system is to support and cover in all areas of care as well as be effective. This increases chances for the patients to access the care with standard. Therefore, U-thong hospital has carried the trial system of care for diabetic patients in the sample areas in 3 villages which consist of 114 patients. It was carried during August 2006 to September 2007. The result found that the patients were satisfied with the service system which makes life higher quality. The fasting blood sugar and blood pressure can be controlled within proper range. Moreover, they- have been diagnose all concerned complications which could cause severe symptoms. Therefore they can be cured at early stage to decrease the high affects of the diseases. In conclusion, the result of the performance can be expanded and adjusted in other areas as appropriate.

Author Biography

Ratana Nilpetchploy, M.D., โรงพยาบาลอู่ทอง จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี

ว.ว. อายุรศาสตร์


