ผลการรักษาผู้ป่วยตั้งครรภ์นอกมดลูกที่มีภาวะเลือดออกในช่องท้อง Autologous Blood Transfusion


  • Tongta Ujiin, M.D. กลุ่มงานสูติ-นรีเวชกรรมและวางแผนครอบครัว โรงพยาบาลเจ้าพระยายมราช จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี


An observational (cross-sectional) study to compare the result of treatment between autologous and homologous blood transfusion in hemoperitoneum in Ectopic pregnancies was conducted. The study was designed as two group : autologous blood transfusion in 52 cases (group 1) and homologous blood transfusion in 438 cases (group 2). Every cases was admlted in Chaophrayayomraj hospital between 1987-1997 and diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy with hemoperitoneum by clinical and intra-operative findings. The mean aged of the two groups were 23.37 ± 2.16 years and 26.28 2 2.52 years respectively.

The result was that the efficacy of treatment by  autologous and homologous blood transfusion was no difference in these two groups, because it can raise the hematocrit significantly from 21% to 28% in group 1 and from 27% to 33% in group 2. Comparision of autologous with homologous blood transfusion, Demanding of homologous blood transfusion can be reduced 3.8 Unit/case. Autologous blood transfusion can be used to save life of the patient that have severe blood loss in ectopic pregnancy. Autologous blood transfusion may be regarded as a simple, safe, perfectly cross-matched method for blood transfusion. The procedure of intraoperative autologous blood transfusion was described, it could be used in hospitals where blood bank and referring facilities are poor.


