สภาพการทำงาน และภาวะการปวดเมื่อยกล้ามเนื้อของบุคลากรโรงพยาบาลโพธาราม


  • Sunan Sukolratanamaythee โรงพยาบาลโพธาราม จังหวัดราชบุรี
  • Rungsri Sasitorn โรงพยาบาลโพธาราม จังหวัดราชบุรี


The purpose of this research was to study on Working condition and Myalgia of 113 Health personels in Photharamhospital. The research was designed as descriptive research and collected data by questionair and survey record form. The result was found that, 86.7% of them had myalgia Low-back pain was the most painpositon (62.2%) and knee was the second (50.0%). Position on working was susceptibility factor for myalgia and there were significant correlation with myalgia (p < .05). Survey on Working condition was found that, in mechanical department there were the most factors that susceptibility to musculo-skeleton disease (64.7%) and wash clothes department was the second (58.8%).


