ระบบอันติบอดีต่อหัดในเด็กอายุ 1-6 ปี ที่ได้รับวัคซีนหัดแล้วจากโรงพยาบาลโพธาราม


  • Wanna Viriyathavekul, M.D. กลุ่มงานผู้ป่วยนอก โรงพยาบาลโพธาราม จังหวัดราชบุรี


A study of measles antibody response after routine immunization with measles vaccine was done at Potharam hospital, Rachaburi Province between July to September 1996. The subjects consisted of 140 healthy children age between one to six years who had measles immunization at the  age of 9 - 12 months at the Well Baby Clinic. The children were divided into two age groups, age group 1 - 3 years and 4 · 6 years. There were no statistical difference in seroconversion rate and geometric mean titer for measles between two groups of children. The seroconversion rate was 76.43%. The reason for this low seroconversion rate may be inappropriate cold - chain system. Two doses of measles vaccines may provide better measles vaccine efficacy for small hospital.


