

  • Chomyong Loachot งานสุขศึกษาและประชาสัมพันธ์ ฝ่ายเวชกรรมสังคม โรงพยาบาลโพธาราม จังหวัดราชบุรี


          A retrospective research design was to study about the characteristic and iniurous violence of traffic accidental patients at Potharam Hospital during October 1st, 1992 to September 30 th,1994 were reported. There were 6,330 road traffic accidental patients, 68.3 percent were maIes,the ratio of male and female patients were 2: 1, 46.5 percent were between 21-40 years old. 44.4 percent were labours and 31.0 percent were student, 91.7 percent lived in Ratchaburi provience, and 78.9 percent lived in Potharam district, 81.1 percent were motercycle accidents, mostly happened in nighttime especially between 18.00 -·24.00 pm on sunday and saturday, 69.6 percent were slightly injuried, 25.6 percent were admited internal patient department, 2.9 percent were refered to referal system and 0.6 percent of the patient deaths.


