การสำรวจแบบเร่งด่วนงานพัฒนาสาธารณสุขเพื่อบรรลุสุขภาพดีถ้วนหน้า ครั้งที่ 1 จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี ปี 2536


  • Tavee Wichienkua, M.D. สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี


          The Rapid Survey Method (RSM) in health development attempted to evaluate the first period of Suphanburi HFA project during March-April 1993. There were pregnant women who received complete ANC 78.67%, dental care 58.48%, delivery care by health personnel 98.33% and 62.67% complete postnatal care for mother and 28.33% for newborn. Newborns weighing under 2,500 grams were 4.33% and 67.33% more than 3,000 grams. Children under 5 years received weighing 63.33%, 78.42% innormal nutrition, 18.42% first degree and 3.16% second degree malnutrition. MWRA used birth control 82.33%, 37.33% used permanent method. Women had the first child under 20 years were 20.42% and 65.74% had not more than 2 children. School children received physical examination for 76.56%, weighting for 91.44% 14.22%, were low weight. Sunhellance in dental care by teacher for 86.33% and physical examination for iodine deficiency 50.33%. Comparison of data from RSM and the last BMN in 1992 reported that there were difference in 11 items and high different when compared with normal information system. This study points to access health service in health promotion including situation and activity follow HFA index. The data were more useful in planning, policy determine and activity in health development by using the efficient BMN index to achieve BMN in 1994.


