

  • Somchai Supapon ศูนย์กามโรคและโรคเอดส์เขต 4 ราชบุรี
  • Prayut Teansat สำนักงานควบคุมโรคติดต่อเขต 4 ราชบุรี
  • Plan Plan Poonpipat โรงพยาบาลท่ายาง จังหวัดเพชรบุรี


          The aim of the study is to assess the implementation of Universal Precaution in the Public Health Centers of the Region IV. Including 2 regional hospitals, 9 general hospitals and 39 district hospitals. Total of 50 hospitals of Kanchanaburi, Nakornpathom, Petchaburi, Samuthsakon,  Samuthsongkram, Prajuabkirikhan and Ratchaburi Province.

          The study revealed that by July 1993, medical personnels in 21 hospitals were instructed about Universal Precaution and Universal Precaution promoting committees had been established in 20 hospitals.

          The representative of the nurse staff commented that anti- retro-viral therapy should be  free of charge and when personnels in hospital suffered from needle stick, counselling process should be done anonymously.

          Data revealed that in district hospital, Universal Precaution instruments and devices were still insufficient.


