ผลการรักษาทารกผู้ป่วยทารกแรกเกิด ในโรงพยาบาลเจ้าพระยายมราช พ.ศ. 2536-2538


  • Wimon Maneein, M.D. กลุ่มงานกุมารเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลเจ้าพระยายมราช จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี


The retrospective study of hospitalized neonatal outcomes was performed at Newborn Unit, Chaoprayayomaraj hospital during October 1992 to September 1995. There were 2,147 patients, with 78.80 percent from Labour Unit of Chaoprayayomaraj hospital and 21.20 percent from referal system. (38.09 percent were low birth weight infants. 1,841 patients (85.75%) could return home ; 50 patients (2.33%) were refered to higher center. 256 patients died (11.92%) and 58.98% of them were low birth weight. The common significant causes of Early neonatal death included Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Birth asphyxia. Infection was the most common cause of Late neonatal death. Concerning with the patients from referal system, 26 percent died mostly in Early neonatal period. In order to reduce the incidence of low birth weight infants and the neonatal death rate. we should improve antenatal, perinatal and neonatal care and should have an effective referal system.


