Two Stages Treatment in Acute Painful Prolapsed Hemorrhoid


  • kongdej Leethochavalit, M.D. โรงพยาบาลห้วยพลู จังหวัดนครปฐม


Hemorrhoid is one of the most common benign anorectal disease that produce troublesome symptoms to the patients especially patient with 4th  degree hemorrhoid or acute painful prolapsed hemorrhoid. The convention treatment such as hot sitz bath, evacuation of clot, per se cannot   immediately reduce painful symtoms, most patients may suffer for several days. The auther tried inducing a new way to treat 30 patients who suffered from acute painful prolapse hemorrhoid in Huayploo Community hospital between January, 1989 and December, 1992.

All of the 30 patients visited the OPD, were diagnosed as acute painful prolapsed hemorrhoid and were injected submucosally around the lesions with 2-5 ml. of 1% Lidocain with 1 : 100,000 adrenaline according to severity of the lesions. After 10 to 20 minutes of treatment, the lesions dramatically constricted and all patients suddenly relieved from painful symptoms. After that, the lesions could be reduced into the anal canal and the patients were only treated as out patient cases. During 4 weeks follow up, only one patient needed hemorrhoidectomy, all of them satisfied the results of  the treatment.


