Sebaceous Carcinoma of the Eyelid

Report of 3 Cases


  • Puripakorn Pakdirat, M.D. กลุ่มงานพยาธิกายวิภาค โรงพยาบาลราชบุรี
  • Wipada Ladapornvittaya, M.D. กลุ่มงานจักษุวิทยา โรงพยาบาลโพธาราม จังหวัดราชบุรี


Sebaceous carcinoma is an unusual tumour of the eyelid. It constitutes 1-5.5% of eyelid malignancies in the western world. Some reports have suggested a higher incidence in the far east. This tumour is deceptively benign in its early stage. Lesions are often recognised late, resulting in poorer prognosis. Biopsy is encouraged in all doubtful cases. Frozen section should be applied on fresh or formaldehyde fixed tissue for demonstration of fat whenever hematoxylin & eosin sections yield inconclusive results.

Three cases of sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid are reponed. One of them presented with an initial diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma. Histopatholgic diagnosis was confirmed with oil-red-O technique in all cases. Clinicopathclogical findings are described. A brief review of the literature is presented.


