การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพของวัคซีตับอักเสบ บี ชนิดรีคอมบิแนนท์ในทารกที่เกิดจากมารดาที่เป็นพาหะ


  • Ampron Hirunyachote, M.D. กลุ่มงานกุมารเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลนครปฐม


          For hepatitis B in Thailand, the carrier mother, whose positive HbsAg and HbeAg has been recognized as a public problem. Transmission of virus from mother to her placenta by vertical transmission makes the 65·90% chance of infective, The efficiency of Virus B Hepatitis Vaccine from recombinant DNA yeast derived hepatitis Vaccine (HB-Vax II), 5 microgram, were injected in babies bom from carrier mother. This study included 43 babies and devided into two group by random sampling for 6 babies in each to give HB-Vax ll vaccine in the anterolateral aspect of thigh at birth. 1, 2, 12 month of age and the another group at birth, 1, 6, month. The mother were checked for HBsAg  at 32 week pregnancy and followed in positive cases for HBeAg. The study was done at Nakhonpathom hospital during March 1992·August 1994 anti HBs titer of babies by RIA (Radio immunoassay) were done at birth, 4 month, 9 month, and 13 month of age respectively.

          The protective efficacy of group A (O, 1, 2, 12) was 85% as compare to group B (0, 1, 6) for 82.5% The scroconversion rate of group A was 80% as compare to group B for 78.3%. It has no statistic significance (p= 1) The Geometric mean titer of anti HBs titer group A=689.533 IU/L and group B for 253.682 IU/L.

          The babies obtained yeast vaccine (HB Vase ll), 5 µg dose, at age O, 1, 2, 12 group and 0, 1, 6 group both has protective efficacy and scroconversion rate in comparison but in group 0, 1, 2, 12 appear to have higher anti HBs titre.


