ครรภ์ท่อนำไขก่อนแตก : การวินิจฉัยได้เร็วและการรักษา

รายงานผู้ป่วย 2 ราย


  • Suwat Tanayapong กลุ่มงานสูติ-นรีเวชกรรมและวางแผนครอบครัว โรงพยาบาลบ้านโป่ง จังหวัดราชบุรี


This is a report of 2 cases of unruptured pregnancy which were early diagnosed and safely managed after 2 weeks of missed menstruation. Early operation was proposed to these 2 patients. The first case, who accepted the operation, did well after resection of unruptured pregnant tube and contralateral salpingorrhaphy. The second patient, who denied the operation, was put on a trial regimen of methotrexate. Howerer, this patient developed acute abdominal pain 3 days after the first dose of intramuscular 50 mg. of methotrexate. The conservetive treatment was then cancelled. It was revaled at operation that 30 ml. of blood was collected in the pelvic cavity while the left pregnant uterine tube was still intact. There was no substautial bleeding in both patients before or during operations.


