The Digitization of Historical Film Photographs of Siriraj Hospital to Digital Photographs
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Imaging technology has continuously evolved over time, shaping the past and future. Consequently, historical photographs hold immense value as crucial pieces of evidence. The aim of this study was to delve into the process of converting historical photographs into digital format using the Epson Perfection V850 Pro scanner, a versatile tool capable of handling various film types and photographic papers. The authors have broken down this process into four distinct steps: Preparing the Film Photographs and Photographic Papers, Transforming the Film Photographs and Photographic Papers, Adjusting and Enhancing the Digital Photographs, and Inputting Information and Organizing Photographs as Digital Files. The study's findings regarding the time required for digitizing different film photographs and photographic papers at varying resolutions reveal that higher resolutions demand more time for each type. The lengthiest scanning process took seven minutes per photograph. Furthermore, the study's comparison of digital photographs with contemporary digital camera shots demonstrates their equal quality. In conclusion, this technology produces high-quality and adaptable photographs, contributing significantly to the preservation of historical photographs. This process promises to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of historical photograph preservation efforts.
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