Relieving Breast Engorgement in Postpartum Women with Thai Traditional Massage and Hot Herbal Compression

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Peamruetai Butdapan
Panithida Saeheng
Parichard Pongpanich
Kamonchanok Maneechai
Thamnapat Duangdee
Ueamphon Suwannatrai
Pravit Akarasereenont
Onnicha Tachaviriya


Breast engorgement is a common issue among postpartum women, caused by milk stasis leading to engorgement and breast pain. There are various methods to relieve breast engorgement, for example, hot and cold compression, acupuncture, guasha, ultrasound, and massage. Massage is a popular method for managing breast engorgement due to its effectiveness and convenience. Nowadays, different terms are used to refer to breast massage techniques, for example, breast massage, opening milk duct massage, massage for stimulating milk. These massages are performed on the breast to relieve tension and stimulate milk flow, although the techniques and methods may vary. Breast massage technique at the Ayurved Clinic of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Siriraj hospital to reduce breast engorgement uses only fingers and palms for pressing, based on the principles of the court-type Thai traditional massage. This technique is characterized by Taeng-Rod-Mue (adjusting massage pressure depending on disease or individual) to make massage gentle, deep pressing without trauma after massage. Hence this technique is suitable for postpartum women who have hard and painful breasts. Additionally, hot herbal compress is used to relieve breast engorgement, stimulate blood circulation, and encourage milk flow. In cases where the breasts are hard, painful, swollen, red, hot, and accompanied by fever, it is necessary to receive medical treatment from a western physician before undergoing breast massage. This article aims to provide knowledge, understanding of Thai traditional medicine in postpartum care and the maneuvers that help relieve breast engorgement, as clinical practice at Ayurved Clinic of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Center of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University.

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How to Cite
Butdapan P, Saeheng P, Pongpanich P, Maneechai K, Duangdee T, Suwannatrai U, Akarasereenont P, Tachaviriya O. Relieving Breast Engorgement in Postpartum Women with Thai Traditional Massage and Hot Herbal Compression. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2024 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];17(4):339-45. available from:
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