Factors Influencing Reproductive Coercion Among Women Seeking Care at Family Planning Clinics
contraceptive self - efficacy, attitudes toward gender roles, reproductive coercion, family planning clinicAbstract
This predictive research aimed to investigate the influence of age, education level, couples’ relationship status, primary source of income, contraceptive self - efficacy, attitudes toward gender roles, and age difference between couple on reproductive coercion. The sample consisted of 250 women aged 18 years and over who attended a family planning and reproductive health services clinic in a tertiary hospital in Bangkok. The data were collected using demographic questionnaires, contraceptive self - efficacy questionnaires, attitudes toward gender roles questionnaires, and reproductive coercion questionnaires. Multiple logistic regression was used for data analysis.
The results indicated that 40.40% of the participants had experienced reproductive coercion. The results showed that only three significant predictors, including education level (aOR 2.93; 95% CI = 1.31 - 6.56, p = .009), contraceptive self - efficacy (aOR = .92; 95% CI = .86 - .99, p = .041), and attitudes toward gender roles (aOR = 1.04; 95% CI = 1.01 - 1.07, p = .009). For the other variables, age, couples’ relationship status, primary source of incomes, and age difference between couple, showed no significant effects on reproductive coercion. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses should be aware that women may experience reproductive coercion. As such, there should be screening for the risk of reproductive coercion and a program to prevent reproductive coercion through the promotion of contraceptive self - efficacy and through fostering gender equality attitudes.
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