The Relationship between Organizational Climate and Organizational Commitment Among Nurses from Different Generations at Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital
organizational climate, organizational commitment, generationAbstract
The objectives of this study were to study 1) the levels of organizational climate and organizational commitment among the different generations of nurses, and 2) the relationship between organizational climate and organizational commitment among the different generations of nurses. The sample consisted of 226 registered nurses who were randomly selected through four levels of stratified random sampling among each generation, grouped into four generations: the baby boomers, generation X, generation Y, and generation Z, using a questionnaire; the reliability of the questionnaires using Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient were found to be .88 and .81 for organizational climate and organizational commitment, respectively. Data were collected and analyzed to determine the mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
The results showed that 1) the organizational climate of nurses was at a high level ( = 3.76, SD = .41); Generation X had the greatest mean score of organizational climate (
= 3.81, SD = .46), followed by Generation Y (
= 3.73, SD = .38) and Generation Z (
= 3.72, SD = .45); 2) the organizational commitment of nurses was at a moderate level (
= 3.11, SD = .27); Generation X had the greatest mean score of organizational commitment (
= 3.13, SD = .24), followed by Generation Y (
= 3.11, SD = .29), and Generation Z (
= 3.07, SD = .32); and 3) the relationship between organizational climate and the commitment of nurses was significantly positively correlated (rs = .440, p < .001). The baby boomer generation showed the highest correlation (rs = .776, p < .05), followed by Generation Z (r = .579, p < .01) and Generation Y (rs = .419, p < .001).
These results can be applied when planning to improve the organizational climate and strengthen the organizational commitment for each generation of nurses to meet the required standards.
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