ฝีหนองบริเวณโพรงข้างคอหอย ในโรงพยาบาลลำปาง


  • บุญเลิศ เพียรสกุลรัตน์


Parapharngeal abscess


Parapharngeal abscess are uncommon but may have potentially life-threatening complications. The author
reviewed the records of 16 patients presented with paraphatyngeal abscess between October 2005 and December
2009. All of them presented with fever and neck swelling at the angle of mandible. Odontogenic infections were the
commonest etiology of the diseases. High dose intravenous antibiotics directed toward the suspected causative
microorganisms, airway control and early surgical intervention were the mainstay of treatment. All patients underwent
open surgical drainage of the parapharyngeal abscess. Bacteriology results showed Streptococcus viridans to be the
predominant microorganisms in five patients. One patient required preoperative tracheostomy due to respiratiory
obstruction and sever trismus. There were no deaths.
Early open surgical drainage remains the most appropriate method of treating parapharyngeal space abscess;
it avoids life threatening complications with rapid recovery.




How to Cite

เพียรสกุลรัตน์ บ. . . (2021). ฝีหนองบริเวณโพรงข้างคอหอย ในโรงพยาบาลลำปาง. วารสารโรงพยาบาลมหาสารคาม, 6(4), 19–25. สืบค้น จาก https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MKHJ/article/view/254216