Development of Instructional Video for Home Visits as Part of Family Health Services


  • ศิวพร อึ้งวัฒนา
  • สุกฤตา สวนแก้ว คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
  • วิลาวัณย์ เตือนราษฎร์
  • เดชา ทำดี
  • กัลยาณี ตันตรานนท์
  • สุมาลี เลิศมัลลิกาพร
  • วันเพ็ญ ทรงคำ
  • วชิระ สุริยะวงศ์
  • จิรานันท์ วงศ์สุวรรณ


development of an instructional video, home visits, family health services


     Objective: To study an instructional video for home visits as part of family health services, as well as its impact on experts’ opinions, the effciency of the instructional video, and nursing students’ knowledge and opinions.
     Design: Developmental research.
     Methodology: The subjects, recruited by means of simple random sampling, consisted of 80 fourth-year nursing majors of the Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, in the academic year 2019. The research instruments consisted of an instructional video, an expert opinion survey form, a knowledge quiz form, and an opinion survey form for nursing students. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and T-test statistics.
     Results: Firstly, the experts were in the highest agreement on the quality of the instructional video. Secondly, the effciency of the instructional video (E1/E2) was at 73.82/89.78, where E1 meant ‘below the benchmark’ and E2 meant over the pre-determined benchmark of 75/75. Thirdly, the subjects’ average post-experimental score was signifcantly higher than their pre-experimental score (p < .001). Finally, the subjects displayed high overall satisfaction with the instructional video.
     Recommendations: The fndings showed that the instructional video for home visits as part of family health services effectively enhanced the students’ knowledge and satisfaction with the medium. It is recommended that this video medium be applied to courses or training programmes on family health services to increase nursing students’, nurses’, and healthcare professionals’ knowledge.


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อึ้งวัฒนา ศ, สวนแก้ว ส, เตือนราษฎร์ ว, ทำดี เ, ตันตรานนท์ ก, เลิศมัลลิกาพร ส, ทรงคำ ว, สุริยะวงศ์ ว, วงศ์สุวรรณ จ. Development of Instructional Video for Home Visits as Part of Family Health Services. J Thai Nurse midwife Counc [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];35(3):139-53. Available from:



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