Collaboration among nursing faculties and advanced practice nurses: The professional success

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สมจิต หนุเจริญกุล


This article presents needs and competencies of advanced practice nurse (APN), key success and barrier factors to the development and uses of APNs, needs of collaborations among APNs and nursing faculties, roles of nursing faculties, faculty practice, usefulness and obstacles of faculty practice, faculty practice model, and example of innovative health service resulting from the collaboration among APNs and nursing faculties. Comparisons of the APN certification programs and Ph.D./D.N.S. programs as well as the principles of collaborations among APNs and nursing faculties are also included.

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How to Cite
หนุเจริญกุล ส. (2018). Collaboration among nursing faculties and advanced practice nurses: The professional success. Thai Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 2(2), 5–17. Retrieved from
Academic article