ผลการให้ยากลุ่ม Cephalosporins สำหรับป้องกันการติดเชื้อทางเดินปัสสาวะในการผ่าตัดนิ่วทางเดินปัสสาวะ


  • Peerapat Cheewaisrakul, M.D. กลุ่มงานศัลยกรรม โรงพยาบาลเจ้าพระยายมราช จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี


This is a descriptive study about the result of Cephalosporins prophylaxis for urinary tract stone surgery in Chao-phrayayomraj hospital since January 2009 to April 2009. A total of 27 patients (21 males and 6 females). To compare pyuria from urine analysis and bacteriuria from midstream urine culture between pre- operation and postoperation.

Preoperative pyuria was found in 13 patients (48.14%), preoperative bacteriuria was found in 5 patients (18.52%). We found that all culture positue urine had the same organism that was Escherichia coli. Posto-perative pyuria was found in 1 patient (3.70%) and postoperative positive urine culture was also found in 1 patient (3.70%) in the same patient who had vesical calculi. The study concluded that result of Cephalosporins prophylaxis for stone surgery was satisfied.


