Standardization of Intermediate Care in Phetchaburi


  • ปิยนุช ศรีสุคนธ์ พ.บ., โรงพยาบาลบ้านลาด
  • ศิรประภา บุญมี โรงพยาบาลบ้านลาด
  • ธัญพร ชื่นกลิ่น วิทยาลัยพยาบาลพระจอมเกล้า


intermediate care system, system development


Objective: The purposes of this study were to investigate and develop a intermediate care system of Phetchaburi Province, Banlat network, and to evaluate the outcomes of the system.

Methods: Research and development methodology were used in this research. The samples consisted of three groups of intermediate-care stakeholders, 8 persons per group; 30 intermediate care-receivers with three-targeted diseases, (stroke, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injury) and 30 caregivers. Purposive sampling was used. The focus group questions, questionnaires, an activity daily living assessment form and a readiness of independent living assessment form were conducted. Statistics used were frequency, percentage, standard deviation, paired t test, and content analysis.

Results: The problems of the intermediate-care operation situation of Phetchaburi Province, Banlat network were inability to access the service, patients’ denial to stay in hospital, lack of rehabilitation knowledge and skills of caregivers, and effects of COVID-19 pandemic on health service. Based on this situation, the new intermediate care system was developed including 1) principle and objectives 2) intermediate-care operation procedures 3) system operation support and 4) evaluation. The system outcome evaluation showed that the intermediate-care service accessible rate was 100 percent.  The activity daily living score (Barthel index: BI) after receiving the intermediate-care service was higher than before with statistical significance (p-value < .001). The complication rate was 0 percent. Every caregiver (100 percent) was passed the examination of readiness of independent living.

Conclusion: This intermediate care system of Phetchaburi Province, Banlat network, which was developed, can be implemented practically and effectively. All patients able to access the service, can depend on themself in daily living more than before, and keep away from the complications. Moreover, the caregivers were ready to do the rehabilitation for the patients at home.


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How to Cite

ศรีสุคนธ์ ป, บุญมี ศ, ชื่นกลิ่น ธ. Standardization of Intermediate Care in Phetchaburi. Reg 4-5 Med J [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 30 มิถุนายน 2022 [อ้างถึง 25 มกราคม 2025];41(2):179-92. available at: