Information for Reviewers

At Siriraj Medical Journal (SMJ), we recognize that peer review is the cornerstone of maintaining high-quality and trustworthy scientific research. We deeply appreciate the contributions of our reviewers, also known as readers, and strive to create a supportive and rewarding review experience. These guidelines outline our commitment to you and the importance of your role in safeguarding research integrity.

Double-Blind Peer Review: Unbiased Evaluation

SMJ employs a double-blind peer review process for all manuscripts. This approach minimizes bias by allowing reviewers to assess the work solely based on its content, without the influence of author identities.

Ethical Considerations: Following COPE Guidelines

SMJ adheres to the ethical principles outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). For comprehensive guidance on peer review conduct, we recommend reviewing the COPE guidelines on their website:

Streamlined Review Process:

Invitation to Review:

  • Upon receiving an invitation, you'll have access to the manuscript's abstract to determine your interest in reviewing.
  • The invitation will clearly state deadlines for your response and review submission.
  • We encourage a prompt response to avoid delays.
  • It's crucial to declare any potential conflicts of interest at this stage.

Reviewing the Manuscript:

  • Once you accept the invitation, you'll receive the full manuscript for review. You can complete the provided Reviewer Form while reading or provide your feedback at the end.

Guiding Questions for Review:

  • What is the core research question addressed? Is it relevant and intriguing?
  • Does the topic offer originality? How does it contribute to the field compared to existing literature?
  • Is the writing clear, concise, and easy to understand?
  • Do the presented evidence and arguments convincingly support the conclusions?
  • Are tables and figures informative? Do they enhance understanding or are they unnecessary?

Plagiarism Detection and Prevention:

  • If you suspect plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, but lack specific details, notify the editor of your concerns. Editors have access to plagiarism detection software.
  • By identifying plagiarism during peer review, we can address it effectively before publication, minimizing consequences for authors and reviewers if a retraction becomes necessary after publication.

Providing Constructive Feedback:

  • Reviewer comments play a critical role in editorial decisions. Editors often reference them in their communication with authors.
  • To facilitate the editorial process, consider these suggestions:
    • Number your comments for clarity.
    • Clearly identify essential points that authors must address for potential revision.
    • Offer specific recommendations for improvement. Editors and authors greatly value actionable suggestions.
    • Utilize "comments to editors" only for confidential notes not intended for authors. All critical feedback for authors should be included in the "comments to authors" section.

Additional Resources:

Recognition for Reviewers

In recognition of your valuable service, we encourage you to take advantage of the following resources offered by Siriraj Medical Journal:

  1. Build your profile on Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Services (formerly Publons): This platform allows you to track your review activity across multiple journals and showcase your expertise to the research community. You can learn more and register at
  2. Make sure you register for an ORCID iD and link it to your Publons account: An ORCID iD is a unique identifier for researchers and scholars. Linking your ORCID iD to Publons ensures proper attribution for your review activities. You can register for an ORCID iD at
  3. Get your Reviewer Recognition Certificate after you review (Please contact the Siriraj Medical Journal is happy to provide you with a certificate acknowledging your contribution to the peer review process.