Submission Preparation Checklist
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- Manuscript (MS document)
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- Checklist before submitting manuscript to Siriraj Medical Journal
- Letter of Certification before Publishing Article(s) in Siriraj Medical Journal (SMJ)
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Original Article
Original articles are characterized by their systematic approach to presenting methods, results, and discussions. The manuscript length, excluding references, should not exceed 3,500 words. Tables and figures/ illustrations should not exceed 6 in total.
Review Article
A review article provides an exhaustive synopsis of research on a particular subject or offers a panoramic overview of existing research on a specific topic. The manuscript length, excluding references, should not exceed 4,500 words. Tables and illustrations should not exceed 8 in total
Letter to the Editor
Letters to the editors are concise communications that offer readers the opportunity to express their opinions or provide insights on previously published articles. These letters can contribute to ongoing discussions or provide additional perspectives on a topic. While brief, letters to the editor should maintain scholarly rigor and contribute to the dynamic. The manuscript length, excluding references, should not exceed 2,500 words.
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