Serum Neuropeptide Y and Leptin Levels compared between Non-pregnant and Pregnant Women in Overall, Non-obese, and Obese Subjects


  • Chantacha Sitticharoon Department of Physiology
  • Roongrit Klinjampa Department of Physiology
  • Xaynaly Souvannavong-Vilivong Department of Physiology
  • Saimai Chatree Department of Physiology
  • Peerada Boonpuan Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Burapha University
  • Chanakarn Sripong Department of Physiology
  • Nay Chi Nway Department of Physiology, University of Medicine 1, Yangon, 11041
  • Tripop Lertbunnaphong Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700


Neuropeptide Y; Leptin; non-pregnant; pregnant women


Objective: The primary objective of this study was to compare serum NPY and leptin levels between non-pregnant and pregnant women in overall, non-obese, and obese subjects. The secondary objective was to compare these
peptides between non-obese and obese pregnant women.
Methods: Fasting venous blood was collected from non-pregnant women before open abdominal surgery and from pregnant women when admitted to the delivery room during the latent phase of labor.
Results: There were 12 non-obese and 14 obese subjects in the non-pregnant group and 9 non-obese and 30 obese subjects in the pregnant group. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was comparable, but heart rate (HR) was higher in pregnant
compared to non-pregnant women. Mean±S.E.M serum NPY levels were lower in the pregnant than in the non-pregnant group in overall (0.54±0.02 and 1.34±0.08, respectively), non-obese (0.53±0.05 and 1.23±0.14, respectively), and obese
(0.54±0.03 and 1.43±0.09, respectively) subjects (p<0.01 for all), but these were comparable between obese and nonobese pregnant subjects. Serum NPY was positively correlated with SBP (R=0.281, p<0.05), but negatively correlated
with HR (R=-0.324, p<0.01). Serum leptin levels were not different between pregnant and non-pregnant groups, but were significantly higher in obese than non-obese pregnant subjects (p<0.001). Serum leptin levels were positively
correlated with body weight, BMI, waist and hip circumferences in overall and pregnant subjects (p<0.001 all).
Conclusion: In pregnancy, decreased NPY levels might be associated with inhibition of SBP rising as well as increased HR. Leptin levels might not be associated with pregnancy, but associated mainly with obesity.




How to Cite

Sitticharoon, C., Klinjampa, R., Souvannavong-Vilivong, X., Chatree, S., Boonpuan, P., Sripong, C., Chi Nway, N., & Lertbunnaphong, T. (2018). Serum Neuropeptide Y and Leptin Levels compared between Non-pregnant and Pregnant Women in Overall, Non-obese, and Obese Subjects. Siriraj Medical Journal, 70(3), 204–212. retrieved from



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