The Psychometric Property of the Short Thai Version of the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale


  • Orawan Silpakit
  • Chatchawan Silpakit


Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale; psychometric; Thai version


Objective: To develop and investigate the psychometric property of the short Thai version of the Philadelphia
Mindfulness Scale (PHLMS).
Methods: The pooled data from the mindfulness invention studies between 2011 and 2014 were analyzed. The items
of original version were selected by 3 methods i.e., mean difference between the two groups of high score and low
score by t35-test, researchers’ opinion and corrected item total correlation. Two forms of short Thai version were
developed. These forms were analyzed by using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) in randomly selected 303 cases
and only the selected form was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in 873 cases by using the Mplus
program. The goodness of fit indices was determined by Chi-square index, root mean square error of approximation
(RMSEA), comparative fit index (CFI) and Tucker Lewis Index (TLI). Pearson’s correlation was used to analyze
the discriminant validity with Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HAD).
Results: Only the researchers’ opinion version (ROV) containing 10 items was confirmed by CFA and had factor
loadings between 0.50-0.80. The goodness of fit was acceptable. The ROV and each domain (awareness and acceptance)
had acceptable composite reliability at 0.86, 0.72 and 0.83 respectively.
Conclusion: The short version of PHLMS contained 10 items and demonstrated the good validity among clinical
cases, beginners in meditation practice and care givers; and could classify people with different frequencies of
meditation practice.




How to Cite

Silpakit, O., & Silpakit, C. (2018). The Psychometric Property of the Short Thai Version of the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale. Siriraj Medical Journal, 70(4), 310–326. retrieved from



Original Article