Measurement of HDL-Cholesterol in Serum by New Enzymatic Method


  • Surapon Tangvarasittichai Faculty of Allied Health Science, Naresuan University
  • Prawit Taytiwat Health Science Research Institute, Naresuan University


Measurement, HDL-Cholesterol, Serum, New Enzymatic


High density lipoprotein (HDL) are responsible for the reverse transport of cholesterol from the peripheral cells to the liver. Here, cholesterol is metabolised. Monitoring of HDL-C in serum is of clinical importance since an inverse correlation exists between serum HDL-C concentrations and the risk of atherosclerotic disease. Elevated HDL-C concentrations are protective against coronary heart disease. In this study, an automated enzymatic method for the direct determination of HDL-C in serum was found to have good precision and accuracy. Reproducibility was determined daily using control Precinorm L® in an internal protocol (n=20), within-run CV = 1.3% and between-day CV = 2.013%. The comparison of the HDL-C enzymatic assay with HDL-C precipitating agent was good with a correlation coefficient r = 0.965, Y = 1.981+ 0.959X, n =172. The normal range of HDL-C concentration in serum by this enzymatic method was 36.16 -86.08 mg/dl. Thus, a HDL-C level of over 35 mg/dl, shows the risk is not high and is protective against coronary heart disease.




How to Cite

Tangvarasittichai, S. ., & Taytiwat, P. . (2020). Measurement of HDL-Cholesterol in Serum by New Enzymatic Method. Siriraj Medical Journal, 53(7), 414–419. retrieved from



Original Article