Single Artery Digital Replantation


  • Sorawuth Chu-Ongsakul Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700
  • Apirag Chuangsuvanich Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700
  • Surasak Muangsombut Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700


Artery Digital, Replantation


Microvascular replantations of amputated distal fingers were reviewed in 11 cases in which single arterial repair without venous repair was done. Usually, the standard replantation consists of re-anastomosis of arteries and veins. In this study, venorrhaphy could not be achieved since no vein of sufficient size was found. Survival rate of replanted digits was 68.8 percent (11 from 16 digits), which compared favorably to other reports.

This technique offers better cosmetic and functional outcome than reattachment as a composite graft or stump closure. The result of our study confirms the possibility of single arterial digital replantation with an acceptable outcome in selected cases. Cases analysis and surgical technique will be discussed in detail.




How to Cite

Chu-Ongsakul, S. ., Chuangsuvanich, A. ., & Muangsombut, S. . (2020). Single Artery Digital Replantation. Siriraj Medical Journal, 52(2), 94–98. retrieved from



Original Article