The Influence of Electromagnetic Field Pollution on Human Health: A Systematic Review
Electromagnetic fields, health effects, biological effects, carcinogenAbstract
Objective: Recent technological advances have exponentially expanded globally; harbouring upon Electromagnetic fields (EMF). The utilization of Electromagnetic field has become universal from everyday usage of electronic appliances such as micro wave ovens, tablets and portable computers to telecommunication systems mobile phone towers, radio- television broadcast systems and electronic power transmission systems resulting in electromagnetic field and associated radiations. EMF can have biological effects on cell at microlevel and have the potential ability to cause cell dysfunction manifesting in various biological effects. This review tried to gather evidence from the existing literature about the biological effects of EMF on human health.
Materials and Methods: We did extensive literature search using PubMed and Cochrane database using key words, “electromagnetic fields”, “Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs)”, “biological effects”, “health effects”, “public health”. We included 20 studies conducted from Dec 2009 to Dec 2019 in our systematic review. Data from each study was extracted by two independent researchers and discrepancies were resolved by consensus.
Results: Significant biological effects of EMF exposure were reported on human health ranging from anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), hypersensitivity to infertility and increased risk of multiple carcinomas.
Conclusion: Application of preventive measures in order to minimize the exposure becomes the need of the hour especially so in occupational settings.
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