Conceptualization of Bioactive Materials in Dental Caries Prevention
Bioactive material, dental caries, demineralization, nanoparticles, remineralization, restorationsAbstract
Clinicians always face a challenge in selecting the appropriate material for clinical use. Presently, the term
bioactive is being used judiciously and unquestionably in the field of dental materials. The introduction of
nanotechnology brought about a revolution in material science leading to the development of bioactive materials
for caries prevention and management. This review comprehensively evaluates the use of bioactive materials for
modification of the oral biome, prevention of dental caries, and the management of dental caries as restorative
materials. Six online database (PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane library)
were systematically searched using broad keywords. Published articles were scrutinized, analyzed and the full-text
articles were selected. Data reveals relatively limited application of tissue engineering and regeneration for enamel
and dentin due to their limited ability to remodel. However, many steps are being taken in biomimetic approach
for the modification of dentin. The path to overcoming any challenges will require active collaboration among
clinicians, a material scientist and pulp biologist.
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