Correlation of Cerebral Atrophy and White Matter Hyperintensity Burden in MRI with Clinical Cognitive Decline
Cerebral atrophy, hyperintensity, MRI, clinical cognitive declineAbstract
Objective: Dementia is a disease of gradual memory and cognitive loss that affects an individual’s day-to-day activities and is caused by permanent brain damage. Majority of patients are from the elderly population and only
2 to 10 % of affected population is less than 65 years.
Materials and Methods: We obtained a correlation of severity of white matter hyperintensity (WMH) burden in MRI with severity of clinically assessed cognitive decline. And also analysed the severity of cerebral atrophy in MRI with severity of clinically assessed cognitive decline.
Results: In our study Fazekas scoring for WMHs showed a sensitivity of 87.5% and specificity of 83.3% on correlation with clinical cognitive decline assessed by ADAS-Cog. Also, MTA scale for cerebral atrophy showed a sensitivity of 72% and specificity of 88% on correlation with clinical cognitive decline assessed by ADAS-Cog. Significant P-value have been obtained for both the above visual rating scales of MRI (Fazekas and MTA) by linear regression, on correlation with clinically assessed cognitive decline.
Conclusion: White matter disease assessed by Fazekas scale and cerebral atrophy by MTA scale on MRI brain correlated well with cognitive decline clinically assessed by neuropsychological tests.
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