Prevalence Of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Associated Factors Among Thai Police Officers – A Population-Based Study
Metabolic syndrome, prevalence, police officers, ThaiAbstract
Objective: The prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) in Thai police officers is unknown. This study aims to accurately determine the prevalence of MetS in this population compared to the Thai general population.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study of 107,933 Thai police officers during the 2012 annual Police Health Care Center check-up. Metabolic syndrome was defined using the harmonized criteria of six international expert groups.
Results: The prevalence of MetS among Thai police officers was 39.24%, with a higher prevalence among males compared to female police officers (40.9% male and 14.3% female). The prevalence was higher in male police officers (40.65% versus 23.80%, P<0.001), whereas it was lower in female officers (16.30% versus 31.59%, P<0.001) when compared to the general population. High blood pressure was the most common abnormal metabolic component in both genders (male 67.4 % female 33.3%). Whereas observation of low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) in males (11.6%) and high fasting plasma glucose (FG) in females (16.3%). The adjusted odds ratio for MetS increased with age, wide pulse pressure, male gender, lower rank, alcohol drinking, and being in a non-metropolitan city.
Conclusion: The prevalence of MetS is higher among Thai police officers compared to the general Thai population. These findings underscore the need for effective preventive measures and continuous monitoring to reduce the risk and burden of cardiovascular diseases.
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