Prehabilitation in Clinical Practice: A Review of Concepts and Implementation in Enhancing Postoperative Outcomes
Prehabilitation, Perioperative, Postoperative outcomes, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, Multidisciplinary, MultimodalAbstract
In the presence of globalization and advancing clinical knowledge, there is a paradigm shift from a single patient care sector to a multidisciplinary-collaborated health care team. In pursuit of favorable postoperative outcomes, reduced length of hospital stay, minimized complications and morbidity, and accelerated recovery, prehabilitation strategies assume a prominent role following preoperative assessment. Fundamental to prehabilitation are physical activity, nutrition, and psychological interventions, aimed at enhancing preoperative functional reserve through expert-designed program sessions spanning various specialties. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) serves as an intra- and postoperative strategy to facilitate the smooth return of patients to their baseline status postoperation by mitigating surgical stress. Integrating prehabilitation into ERAS protocols holds promise for optimizing
postoperative outcomes. Protocols for prehabilitation across diverse patient groups have been proposed, paving the way for the routine incorporation of prehabilitation into patient care.
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