Balance during Walking and Gaze Stability in Young-adult with and without Vertigo or Dizziness Symptoms
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Background: Dizziness in young adults affects the way to perform activities of daily living, transportation, participation, and concentration. Research so far presents the lack of concrete evidence about the dizziness in young adults affecting balance and gaze stability.
Objective: The major objective was to evaluate balance and gaze stability between young adults with and without dizziness. The minor objective was to evaluate vestibular hypofunction between young adults with and without dizziness.
Methods: Twenty-two participants between the age of 18 – 29 were equally divided into two groups. Both groups were questioned with subjective issues and examined balance, visual field as well as oculomotor function. Functional gait assessment and dynamic visual acuity were performed in both groups. The head impulse test was performed to identify vestibular hypofunction. Data analysis was based on an independent t-test to compare balance stability between groups and Fisher exact tests to compare the difference gaze stability proportion.
Results: There was a significant difference in balance stability (p = 0.006) and positive head impulse test (p = 0.024). There was no significant difference in gaze stability between groups. Dizziness was related to balance instability with an odds ratio of 17.5 (95%CI, 2.02 – 151.63).
Conclusion: Young adults with dizziness has balance stability lesser than young adults without dizziness due to vestibular hypofunction. Hence, balance and vestibular function of young adults with dizziness should be assessed in order to be a guideline for effective vestibular rehabilitation.
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