Creating and developing community-based approaches to control alcohol consumption and distribution : Dong Bang Subdistrict , Mahasarakham Province


  • ผดุงศิษฏ์ ชำนาญบริรักษ์ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลศรีมหาสารคาม
  • Preecha Yatha โรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตำบลดงบัง
  • Boonchorp Singhkum ประชาคมงดเหล้ามหาสารคาม
  • Kittisak Kraichan วิทยาลัยพยาบาลศรีมหาสารคาม
  • Suneerat Singhkum ประชาคมงดเหล้ามหาสารคาม


Development, Community-based approaches, Control alcohol consumption


          Objectives : 1. To study the situation of alcohol consumption and distribution in Dong Bang Sub-district. 2. To investigate the creating and developing community-based approaches to control alcohol consumption and distribution in the community.

          Methods : This study was an action research divided into 4 phases, which are phase 1. study of the problem condition by analyzing the situation, phase 2. plans for development and problem solving, phase 3. implementation of problem solving processes, and phase 4. evaluation of development. The study participants consisted of 1) a sample group that collected quantitative data of 579 people. 2) The research group totaled 60 persons. The research tools were questionnaires on alcohol consumption, knowledge of alcohol law, participation questionnaires, observation, group discussion, and in-depth interview. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis. 

          Result : 1. From the study of the situation of drinking alcohol in the community, it was found that 57.7 % were used to drinking, 29.3 % are still drinking. Average age of the first drink was 22 years,  expending alcohol, an average of 467 baht per month. Majority of them prefer drinking beer, 52 %, followed by rice whisky at 32.7 %. The frequency of drinking 1-3 days per month, with 26.9 %, followed by 24.6 % of those who drink every other day, on average 2 bottles at a time. The effects led to more expenditure, car accidents, having an illness, quarrel, and assembling for unlawful purposes. 2. The creating and developing community-based approaches to control alcohol consumption and distribution consist of 1) Making a community measure plan in order to access local health coverage plans. 2) Taking community measures to control the consumption and distribution of alcohol with 48 collaborative agreements. 3) Campaigns and public relations on alcohol control 4) Training to educate about alcohol law  and 5) Mindfulness therapy training Among alcohol drinkers. 3. The evaluation had an exchange process in which people cooperated in solving the problems, applying collaborative agreements as a guideline when having a participation in the community at high level ( = 4.34, S.D. = 0.52 ). The samples satisfied  in organizing activities at the highest level ( = 4.71, S.D. = 0.49 ).

          Conclusion : The findings show that the creating and developing community-based approaches to control alcohol consumption and distribution is able to solve problems in the community effectively as a beneficial guideline for associate networks. 


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How to Cite

ชำนาญบริรักษ์ ผ., Yatha, P. ., Singhkum , B. ., Kraichan, K. ., & Singhkum, S. . (2021). Creating and developing community-based approaches to control alcohol consumption and distribution : Dong Bang Subdistrict , Mahasarakham Province. Mahasarakham Hospital Journal, 18(2), 61–71. Retrieved from


