A model of dental health promotingprocess for children in Ban Chan subdistrict child care center, Khanthararom district, Srisaket province


  • ชูเลิศ สีแสด Master Degree Student in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health Mahasarakham University
  • นิรุวรรณ เทรินโบล์ Assistant Professor of Faculty of Public Health , Mahasarakham University
  • สุพัตรา วัฒนเสน Lecturer Senior Professional ,Sirindhorn College of Public Health Khon Kaen Province


dental health, oral health promotion model, health management


           This action research aimed to develop the model of oral health promotion for the children in child development center in Ban Chan Khanthararom district, SiSaKet province. The participants included both children and their parents with the total of 90 people. Data were collected from March to August 2016 both quantitative and qualitative data. Descriptive data were as the frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, as well as data from the qualitative were analyzed with content techniques.

           The results showed that the health promotion program for child development center in local district consists of five steps: 1) Study the context of dental care in the child development center. 2) Organize a dental health promotion workshop in the child development center. 3) Follow up the project activities. 4) Work and observe the operation and 5) Summarize the problems and obstacles in the operation and plan to solve the problems in the next round. These processes resulted in the improvement of oral hygiene of the children in child care center from 6.6 percent to 66.2 percent after implantation the program.

              The successful factors for this methods including the participatory of the local community and financial support for the activities are recommended. Therefore, enhancing local community to engage further activities are challenge and advantage.;



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บทความวิจัย (Research article)