The development of participation model among family and community in oral health promotion at primary school in Pho Yai subdistrict, Warinchamrap district, Ubonratchathani province


  • วันเพ็ญ สมหอม Master of Science (Biopharmaceutical Sciences), Ubon Ratchathani University
  • อนุวัฒน์ วัฒนพิชญากูล Ph. D., Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ubon Ratchathani University
  • กฤษณา วุฒิสินธิ์ Ph. D., Faculty of Public Health, Kalasin University.


model, participatory model, participatory community, oral health promotion, primary school


          The objective of this action research was to develop the participatory model among family and community in oral health promotion at primary school, Pho Yai subdistrict,  Warinchamrap district, Ubonratchathani province. The samples were 45 participants selected by the purposive method.  Data were collected by the questionnaire, dental plaque records, innterview, observation, focus group discussion. Statistical analyses consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test, using 0.05 significant level

          The study results show that after using Appreciation - Influence – Control (AIC), family and community set oral health promotion project in primary schools and implemented it under oral health promotion policy by Local Health Insurance Fund Committees. The development of participatory model had two characteristics; formal and informal.  The formal development of participatory model was in vertical direction from top to buttom and buttom to top, from operation level and public level. The formal development of participatory model was in horizontal direction. The tasks were coordinated by everyone in order to build interpersonal rapport, to solve problems, to share information and to resolve conflicts.  The developed the participatory model was PARDO MODEL. The processes comprised 4 steps: (1) participating in defining a problem and identifying the causes of problem by using AIC  (2) participating in defining the approach and implementation method by using AIC (3) participating in acting (A). (4) participating in observating (O) and reflecting (R). The overall and individual aspects of opinion levels in participation were at the good level. Three-dimension evaluation of the development of participatory model showed that after training, the students and village health volunteers got the posttest scores more than the pretest scores, resulting in the improvement of their oral hygiene. The mean scores of dental plaque decreased significantly at .05 level (p <0.001) after the development of participatory model.   


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บทความวิจัย (Research article)