Eruption of permanent first molar in 6 years old children of Muang Samsib district, Ubon Ratchathani province


  • ญาณี ใจแก้ว Ubon Ratchathani Province.


tooth eruption, permanent first molar, children


                 Pit and fissure sealant to reduce occlusal dental caries in 6 years old children should be done after fully permanent tooth eruption. The purpose of this descriptive study was to examine permanent first molar eruption in 6 years old children of Muang Samsib district, Ubon Ratchathani province. Data were collected from May to July 2017 by calibrated dental nurses. The results showed that 71.5 percent of the children had erupted first molar. The average erupted molar accounted for 2.3 teeth/person (SD=1.71). In first–grade elementary school children the permanent first molar erupted 74.8 percent whereas in the second-grade kindergarten children the permanent first molars were found 50.0 percent. The prevalence of permanent first molar eruption was mostly found in lower right, lower left, upper right and upper left with 60.5, 60.2, 55.0 and 54.1 percent respectively

Author Biography

ญาณี ใจแก้ว, Ubon Ratchathani Province.

Senior Professional Dentist


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บทความวิจัย (Research article)