Development of proactive oral health care for insured persons


  • อุมาพร รุ่งรัศมีทวีมานะ Ubon Ratchathani Province.


oral health care, proactive oral health, insured persons, action research


               This action research aimed to describe the development of proactive oral health care for the insured persons in Trakan Phuet Phon district,Ubon Ratchathani province. Data Collecting was performed during October 2017-April 2018. The samples were insured persons, establishment managers, dentists, dental nurses, dental assistances and insured hospital workers. The quantitative data were collected by questionnaires and recording forms. The qualitative data were collected by focus group discussion and observation. The process of oral health care system for the insured persons comprised 1) cortex base study and analysis of the problems. 2) providing all hospital system to serve  the insured’s dental health service. 3) providing the proactive oral health care for the insured in the establishments. 4) assessment satisfaction to insured’s oral health care model.  5) evaluation conclusion and suggestion. The oral health care for the insured persons guideline was conducted. Dental health education was delivered via QR code on mobile phone. Moreover, full mouth oral health examinations and treatment plan, dental health basic services according to treatment needs were performed. There were the increasing of 7.4 % insured dental accessibility. The expense of proactive dental service was 754 baht per visit on average. The expense of full mouth treatment was 1,666 baht per person on average. The highest level of satisfaction opinion were of proactive oral health care in establishments, including processes, periods, workers, money disbursement system and prices. Suggestions involved the adding of communication channels such as telephone, line group according to hospital types or areas and hotline channel to the Social Security Office. The developed proactive oral health care for the insured persons facilitated the insured dental services with regard to the access to dental service and the dental treatment coverage. The insured persons satisfied oral health care model. The proactive oral health care for insured persons increased the revenue to the hospital.

Author Biography

อุมาพร รุ่งรัศมีทวีมานะ, Ubon Ratchathani Province.

Dentist, Senior Professional Level


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บทความวิจัย (Research article)