Dental health promotion guidelines for partnership network participation


  • สมตระกูล ราศิริ Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok province
  • ธิติรัตน์ ราศิริ Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok province
  • ยลฤดี ตัณฑสิทธิ์ Sirindhorn College of Public Health Khon Kaen province


partnership network, participation, dental health promotion


           This academic paper aimed to present health promotion guidelines for partnership network participation in dental health promotion. Situation of dental health promotion is still a problem for this society. Partnership network participation in dental health promotion is important as it promotes the continued and sustainable oral health. Particularly, the people in the community have to seriously participate and focus on oral health.

Guidelines for partnership network participation in dental health promotion consist of 1) teaching and learning between the people in the community and the authorities, based on the operational strategies, health promotion in dental health, accordance with the Ottawa Charter 2) the process of finding the needs by community; the participatory process of dental health consists of 6 steps in participation in problem analysis, participation in planning, participation in the implementation and participation in receiving benefits 3) dental health projects/activities that are organized according to the needs of the community and the community together with the staff (if beyond one's capacity) 4) strengthening community 5) oral health evaluate, such as oral health evaluate, participate in dental health projects and activities 6) extension of participation in dental health promotion to other communities by the needs of the community.

Author Biographies

สมตระกูล ราศิริ, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok province

Instructor, Senior Professional Level

ธิติรัตน์ ราศิริ, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok province

Instructor, Professional Level

ยลฤดี ตัณฑสิทธิ์, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Khon Kaen province

Instructor, Senior Professional Level


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บทความปริทัศน์ (Review article)