A Comparative Assessment of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) and Quadruple Test (QT) for the Detection of Down Syndrome in Pregnant Thai Women

Performance of NIPT for Detection of Down Syndrome Compared with QT


  • Pornnapa Khampan Regional Medical Sciences Center 3 Nakhon Sawan
  • Jintana Wongvilairat Regional Medical Sciences Center 3 Nakhon Sawan
  • Sarawut Ngoenchan Regional Medical Sciences Center 3 Nakhon Sawan


Down syndrome screening, Noninvasive prenatal testing, Quadruple test, Karyotyping


         Currently, screening using the quadruple test (QT) method can detect Down syndrome, a genetic disease resulting from abnormalities in chromosome 21, at a rate of 81%. Upon detecting high-risk results, amniocentesis confirmation is required, posing a risk of miscarriage at 0.5%. From the literature review, there were reports on the efficacy of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in detecting fetal abnormalities from maternal blood samples. The objective of this research was to investigate the screening performance of NIPT compared to the QT method, using amniocentesis for karyotyping as the confirmation. The study involved 2,120 pregnant women from 24 hospitals in the fiscal year 2022. It was found that NIPT identified 19 high-risk cases (0.90%), all of which were confirmed for chromosomal abnormalities by karyotyping. In contrast, the QT method identified 669 high-risk cases (31.56%), with 19 out of 563 cases (3.37%) confirmed for chromosomal abnormalities by karyotyping. Follow-up of 1,557 infants (1,451 classified as low-risk by QT and 106 who declined amniocentesis) at one-month-old revealed no cases of Down syndrome. Statistical assessment using Kappa at a 95% confidence level to compare NIPT and QT methods showed poor agreement (KC = 0.040) compared to karyotyping confirmation. However, NIPT demonstrated excellent agreement (KC = 1.000) with karyotyping, while QT showed no agreement (KC = 0.000). In summary, NIPT screening exhibited high accuracy and reduced the rate of amniocentesis for confi rmation by 30.66% compared to the QT method, making it an effective tool for screening fetal Down syndrome.


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How to Cite

Khampan P, Wongvilairat J, Ngoenchan S. A Comparative Assessment of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) and Quadruple Test (QT) for the Detection of Down Syndrome in Pregnant Thai Women: Performance of NIPT for Detection of Down Syndrome Compared with QT. ว กรมวิทย พ [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 29 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];66(1):91-103. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dmsc/article/view/263611



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