Method Development and Validation for 17α-Estradiol, 17ß-Estradiol and Testosterone Hormones Determination by UPLC-MS/MS

Method Development of Hormones Determination by UPLC-MS/MS


  • Suwimol Muadmah Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, Department of Medical Sciences
  • Wannaporn Payao Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, Department of Medical Sciences
  • Atcharee Inkaew Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, Department of Medical Sciences
  • Witthawat Wangkaewhiran Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, Department of Medical Sciences
  • Kanyarat Chuakunchat Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, Department of Medical Sciences
  • Sakulrat Somsuntisuk Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, Department of Medical Sciences
  • Thongsuk Payanan Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, Department of Medical Sciences


17α-Estradiol, 17ß-Estradiol, Testosterone, Hormones, UPLC-MS/MS


         17α-estradiol, 17ß-estradiol, and testosterone are sex hormones mainly regulating the development of reproductive system and the expression of male and female characteristics. Presently, the synthetic hormones have been used for aquaculture, especially the monosex farming of tilapia and climbing perch. Testosterone has been employed to induce tilapia to become male fish, while 17ß-estradiol has been used with climbing perch to obtain the female fish. However, the use of hormones in feed can contribute to the residues in meat and environment, which may have adverse effects on consumer health. The EU has regulation to ban the use of these hormones in livestock farming and aquaculture. Therefore, this study aimed to develop and validate the method for analyzing sex hormones, including 17α-estradiol, 17ß-estradiol, and testosterone in fish meat using UPLC-MS/MS, and the analysis results were derived from procedural mixed standard calibration curve. The results showed that the method had LOD and LOQ at 1 and 2 μg/kg, respectively, and the working range were between 2–100 μg/kg with coefficient of determination (R2) more than 0.999. The accuracy showed by %recoveries were between 89.7–114.0%, and the precision illustrated by %RSD were during 3.5–26.5%. So, this analysis method was specific, accurate, reliable, and proper for using in the laboratory.


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How to Cite

Muadmah S, Payao W, Inkaew A, Wangkaewhiran W, Chuakunchat K, Somsuntisuk S, Payanan T. Method Development and Validation for 17α-Estradiol, 17ß-Estradiol and Testosterone Hormones Determination by UPLC-MS/MS: Method Development of Hormones Determination by UPLC-MS/MS. ว กรมวิทย พ [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];66(2):225-42. Available from:



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