The Prevalence and Related Factors of Low Back Pain Among Nursing Personnel in Nakhonpathom Hospital


  • Chalermrat Meyoutam M.D., Division of Occupational Department Nakhonpathom Hospital Nakhonpathom


low back pain, nursing personnel



          Objective: The purpose is to identify prevalence and related factors of low back pain among nursing personnel in Nakhonpathom Hospital.

          Methods: This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The 220 nursing personnel were sampled and received a questionnaire consisted of the contents, including general demographic data, lifestyles, characteristics of work, details of low back pain, The Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (Version 2.0) Thai Version, and Suanprung Stress Test-20. The data were collected from April to June 2020 and analyzed by using descriptive statistics :frequency, percentage, median, and interquartile range. Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U Test, and multiple logistic regression were used to find the correlation between the risk factos and low back pain.

          Results: The total number of nursing personnel who completed the questionnaire was 203. Results showed that most of subjects were female (92.0%), median of age was 35.0 years (IQR =19.0).The prevalence of low back pain during the last 12-month period was 65.0%. Work-related low back pain was 72.8%. Although the severity according to Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire was 88.6% in mild disability, the sick leave from low back pain was rather high in 11.3%. Factors associated with low back pain of nursing personnel were underlying disease, occupation, and nursing procedures, e.g., awkward posture, heavy lifting loads, moderate and severe stress.         

              Conclusion: The prevalence of low back pain among the nursing personnel in Nakhornpathom Hospital was high.The related factors of low back pain were personal factors, occupational factors, and psychological factors. The results will be applied to reduce and prevent low back pain among nursing personnel in the future.


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How to Cite

Meyoutam M.D., C. The Prevalence and Related Factors of Low Back Pain Among Nursing Personnel in Nakhonpathom Hospital. Reg 4-5 Med J [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];39(4). Available from: