Accuracy of Conventional CT in Predicting Resectability of Cholangiocarcinoma: A Retrospective Review


  • Suwannee Surattanasophon Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Apinya Chareonsul Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Ranista Suchato Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Yongyut Sirivatanauksorn Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University


Cholangiocarcinoma, Conventional CT, Resectability


Objective : Cholangiocarcioma is the common malignant bile duct tumor Thailand, particularly in the Northeastern part of the country. Since tumor resection is the curative treatment for Cholangiocarcioma, preoperative imaging plays and important role in evaluating the extension and resectability status of this tumor. This present work was designed to assess the capability of cinventional CT scan in predicting the resectability of Cholangiocarcioma.
Materials and methods : Conventional CT of twenty three patients who had pathologically proven Cholangiocarcioma, were retrospectively reviewed between January 2002 and Decem ber 2002. The CT images were interpreted by 2 gastrointestinal radiologists with consensus.
Results : The accuracy was 87%, positive predictive value 57% and negative predictive value 100%.
Conclusion : CT scan remains and important tool that can provide valuable information regarding the criteria for resectability.




How to Cite

Surattanasophon, S. ., Chareonsul, A. ., Suchato, . R. ., & Sirivatanauksorn, Y. . (2003). Accuracy of Conventional CT in Predicting Resectability of Cholangiocarcinoma: A Retrospective Review. Siriraj Medical Journal, 55(8), 527–533. retrieved from



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