Factors Affecting of Human Resource Management inSakon Nakhon Central Hospital


  • จารุณี ลาลุน
  • นัทธมณ พันธ์แก้ว


Objective : 1) to investigate personal factors affecting of human resource management among personnel in Sakon Nakhon Central Hospital, and 2) to examine the level of human resource

Methods : The cross-sectionaldescriptionstudy management among the personnel in Sakon Nakhon Central Hospital.A sample was a staff of 335 employees who worked in Sakon Nakhon Central Hospital. The instrument used in data collection was a questionnaire. The data were analysis by frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, and Chi-square for testing relationships between categorical variables.

Results : The study were as follows: The personal factors comprised the following 1) sex affected of human resource management in the aspect of personnel motivation; 2) age affected of human resource management in the aspects of personnel acquisition and personnel retention; 3) educational attainment affected of human resource management in the aspect of personnel development; 4) employment status affected of human resource management in the aspect of personnel motivation; 5) income affected of human resource management in the aspect of personnel motivation; 6) reasons for entering the work significantly affected of human resource management in the aspect of personnel motivation at the .05 level; and 7) work experience significantly affected of human resource management in the aspects of personnel acquisition and personnel motivation at the .01 and .05 levels, respectively.The level of human resource management of personnel in Sakon Nakhon Central Hospital, Sakon Nakhon province as a whole gained a mean score at moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.28, SD=0.499). Their human resource management in individual aspects in a descending order from high to low as follows: the aspect of personnel motivation        (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.36, SD=0.596), the aspect of personnel retention (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.33, SD=0.849), the aspect of personnel acquisition (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.27, SD=0.599)and the aspect of personnel development (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.08, SD=0.561).

The study suggested thatSakon Nakhon Central Hospital should have a model or guide for the training that emphasizes personnel’s participation and should have a diverse personnel recruitment channel.

Keywords : Human Resource Management,Sakon Nakhon Central Hospital



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How to Cite

ลาลุน จ., & พันธ์แก้ว น. (2019). Factors Affecting of Human Resource Management inSakon Nakhon Central Hospital. Mahasarakham Hospital Journal, 16(2), 43–49. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MKHJ/article/view/219303